Be sure to visit the Newsletter section of MPP Brian Saunderson's website - Click here to read them!

Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care

I had the pleasure of touring Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care in Penetanguishene with Dr. Nadija Sunderji, President and CEO, Heather Bullock, Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer and Kristi LaLonde, Communications Officer.

The Centre is located on approximately 100 acres on the shores of Georgian Bay and has buildings built in the 1860’s, the 1960’s, the 1980’s and as recently as 2014.

The Centre offers an extensive range of mental health clinical services and supports to all ages from children and youth to seniors and everyone in between from all over our region and Ontario.

Dr. Sunderji and her team do incredible work and I want to congratulate and thank them for everything they do to help those living with mental health challenges and illness.