Be sure to visit the Newsletter section of MPP Brian Saunderson's website - Click here to read them!

Unsmoke Canada Grant for Collingwood Organization

Keep Collingwood Clean has received a 5 thousand dollar Unsmoke Canada grant to assist the organization’s volunteers to continue the great work they do in the community.

At Unsmoke, a big part of their goal revolves around community engagement and tangible action. “We’re determined to play an active role in communities across Canada to take steps towards our goals.” In Collingwood, the Keep Collingwood Clean volunteers have been working tirelessly in parks, along trails, streets and parking lots to pick up cigarette butts and other garbage they find along their way.

Simcoe-Grey MPP Brian Saunderson joined a group of Keep Collingwood Clean volunteers in front of the Watts Boathouse on Heritage Drive to celebrate receiving the Unsmoke Grant.

The fourth annual Unsmoke Canada Cleanups grant-giving program will award $75,000 in grant money to organizations across the country. Unsmoke Canada and The Great Outdoors Fund are working to reduce litter in the environment while also working with an industry leader in recycling to recycle all the collected cigarette butts, specifically targeting the plasticized filters.

Of course, we can all do our part to help by picking up any garbage items we see that have been tossed to the ground as we enjoy a walk along Collingwood streets and trails.